Lužické hory

Lužické hory


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Alena Dvořáková
Žofín 6
Horní Podluží
407 57

Alena Dvořáková:
(production and sale)
+420 607 831 542

Karel Dvořák:
+420 721 824 307
+420 412 379 454



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skype: KoziFarmaZofin

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Baby goats are coming into the world
Sunday, 29 January 2012 17:38
Vsobotu krátce po poledni přivedla naše Terezka na svět dvě kůzlátka – kozlíka a kozičku. A ještě pořádně neskončila, už se na svět drala kůzlátka od Bóžy – také 2 a také kozlík a kozička. Příští sobotu má rodin dalších 11 koz.

Last Saturday shortly after noon our Theresa brought two baby-goats into the
world: a billy goat and she-goat. The delivery had not finished and other
two babies of her friend Boza were trying to force their way into the world.
Again two kids, a billy goat and she-goat. Next Saturday, another 11 goats
are going to give birth to their kids. So there is going to be great fun on
our farm!

  • This year´s first baby goat
  • Theresa´s kids